Hunger can also cause infant diarrhea How to do a good job of child care

Release time:2023-11-08 17:26

Hunger can also cause infant diarrhea How to do a good job of child care

Spring is the high incidence of infant diarrhea season, once the child has diarrhea, parents must pay attention to observe the child's situation. So what should infant diarrhea pay attention to?

Causes of diarrhea in infants

Gastroenteritis. Common in both children and adults, it is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines that can lead to loose bowels. The pathogenic causes of gastroenteritis are mostly viruses, the most common is rotavirus, which occurs in late autumn and early winter, half of the babies hospitalized because of diarrhea are infected with this virus, if the baby has diarrhea, accompanied by stomach cramps, vomiting, low fever, it is likely to be caused by gastroenteritis.

Parasitic infection. A parasitic infection may also cause diarrhea in the baby. Giardiasis (also known as pyrigiasis), for example, is caused by a microscopic parasite that lives in the gut. Therefore, practicing good hygiene, such as changing diapers and washing hands, is the best way to stop the spread of parasitic infections.

Hunger. Hunger will also make the baby diarrhea, when the feeding is not regular, it will make the baby's gastrointestinal tract can not regularly secrete digestive fluid, thereby reducing the body function.

Baby food and cutlery contamination. This is also one of the main causes of infant diarrhea, because the food and bottle disinfection is not complete, the baby eats the food with bacteria, causing gastrointestinal infection, causing diarrhea. Therefore, it is very important to sterilize bottles and tableware, and the environment for the baby to play should be hygienic, the baby likes to know things with his mouth, so the things that the baby can come into contact with should be cleaned frequently.

Infant diarrhea should notice what

Parents must carefully observe the child's mental state, diet, frequency of urination and stool shape and frequency, and compare it with the previous day. If the child has poor spirit, sunken eyes, and no separate urination, it indicates that dehydration is aggravated and the condition is aggravated, and he should go to the hospital in time. Conditions to keep stool samples for clinicians to provide diagnostic basis.

Repeated diarrhea is easy to cause dehydration in children, that is, the imbalance of water and electrolyte balance in the body, at this time should be replenalized in time. Many parents only think that intravenous infusion is rehydration, ignoring the role of oral rehydration salts. In fact, oral rehydration salts have the same effect as intravenous rehydration. Generally, parents can make a packet of oral rehydration salts into 4 packets, each packet with 50 ml of warm water, and try to let the children take it at one time.

Prevent dehydration. Dehydration does not occur by constantly replacing water and salt lost through diarrhea and vomiting with oral rehydration salts. Oral rehydration salts (ORS) 1000 ml, containing 3.5 grams of sodium chloride, 2.5 grams of sodium bicarbonate, 1.5 grams of potassium chloride, and 20 grams of glucose, dosage as prescribed by the doctor, but the amount used to prevent and treat dehydration and the speed of drinking are different. Oral rehydration salts contain a sugar concentration of 2%, research has proved that this sugar concentration is most conducive to mediating salt and water into the body to supplement the loss of diarrhea, its effect has been recognized by the world, is a good medicine to prevent and treat diarrhea dehydration.

Children with abdominal diarrhea can not eat high-fat foods: due to diarrhea when the digestive ability is reduced, cream, fat, pastry and other high-fat foods, often due to fat digestion and lead to slippery intestine, resulting in diarrhea.
